Galaxy Image Gallery
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Andromeda Galaxy M31 with Messier 32 and Messier 110 dwarf galaxies

Messier 82 the Cigar Galaxy, note the starburst region
The sunflower galaxy, Messier 63. This image was selected first place in the Yahoo group space imaging contest and second place in Orion Telescopes contest for best deep space image

The Whirlpool galaxy, Messier 51. This image also captures Supernova 2011dh
NGC 6946

NGC 6503

Galaxies Messier 65 and Messier 66 in Leo

The Triangulum galaxy, Messier 33

NGC 4565 edge on galaxy

Messier 88
The Sombrero Galaxy, Messier 104
Bode's Nebula, Messier 81

NGC 2903
The Virgo Galaxy cluster
The Sculptor Galaxy NGC 253
The Hercules Galaxy Cluster
NGC 3814
Messier 106
Messier 94
Messier 83, the southern pinwheel galaxy
The black eye galaxy, Messier 64