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C-14" on AP1200 Setup with Orion APO 80mm and Orion Deep Space Pro CCD camera

Venus Transit 2012

Venus Transit 2012

Venus Transit 2012
Buzz Aldrin & Chanan Greenberg
Bob Black (right) and Bob Franklin (left) camping at Fremont Peak
Chanan Greenberg, Bob Franklin, Ido Liron Fremont Peak
30" Telescope at Fremont Peak Observatory
Bob Climbing Fremont Peak
Bob and Chanan At Fremont Peak
Glacier Point Yosemite, Imaging and Observing setups
Glacier Point Yosemite star party 2AM with star trails, 30 minute exposure
Glacier Point Yosemite star party milky way 5 minute exposure
Glacier Point Yosemite star trails around polaris 30 minute exposure
Glacier Point Yosemite star party cygnus showing the north America nebula and the pelican nebula 5 minute exposure